Religious life
A Young Harris College education has been steeped in religious life since Methodist minister Rev. Artemas Lester founded the College in 1886. We believe a liberal arts education transforms how we think, what we believe, and what we do.
Your GPS
The Office of Religious Life seeks to provide a “GPS” for students navigating their lives during these formative years.
(G)reat Conversations.
We believe that the ability to have deep and meaningful conversations is essential to the good life. We also believe that this is a neglected and dying skill in our culture today. Therefore, our events always seek to promote dialogue rather than monologue. Our Chapel Services every week at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday offer a chance to ask questions and wrestle with the deep questions of life. These meetings will vary as to where they meet and what they discuss, check out our Instagram to find out more on a weekly basis. Fall 2024 will have a focus on watching films and having discussion around issues presented in what is being watched. Also, we have Religious Life Book Circles that focus on reading books on difficult issues like Anxiety, Gun Violence, and Faith and Doubt. We also plan events each semester such as the Martin Luther King, Jr. Prayer Breakfast and bring in special speakers from time to time to help facilitate such life-giving discussions.
(P)articipatory Practices.
We believe that any vision of the good life requires practice. Rather, actually doing something. For that reason, we provide opportunities for students to experiment with different religious and spiritual practices like mindfulness, prayer, singing, art, poetry, and even educational trips that challenge the mind and the heart. One such trip we are planning in the Spring of 2025 is a Civil Rights Bus Tour that will provide historical and theological understandings of this important moment in history. Other such experiences in the works are a trip to Israel/Palestine. We also have a program we call Fellowship Fellows, where a group of selected students commit to a semester of study around an issue that can help or hurt community on campus, then write a grant proposal for an idea or program they would implement to create more or better community on campus. Two grants are given each year up to $1,000.
(S)ervice to Others.
We believe that any meaningful life will be poured out for others. We look to incorporate service in all that we do. This looks different in each instance but can be anything from writing cards to the patients in Atlanta Children’s Hospital, singing Christmas Carols, or going on a trip to places such as Give Kids the World in Florida or Brazil.
We hope this gives you an idea how you can get involved with us on campus. Please let us know if you have any questions at all or if we can help you in any way!
Grace and Peace,
Rev. Dr. Adam Daniels