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Committed to your needs

Disability support services promote an inclusive education experience by addressing informational, physical, and attitudinal barriers. Personalized support is provided to guide students with a documented disability through the reasonable accommodations process in academics, housing, and other campus activities.

Types of reasonable accommodations

A reasonable accommodation is a modification or adjustment to a course, program, service, activity, or facility. It is designed to offer a qualified student with a disability reasonable access to the same opportunities, benefits, and privileges available to a student without a disability.

Empty desks in classroom

Classroom accommodations

  • Note-taking assistance (for example, copies of PowerPoints and other visual aids, peer notes, audio recordings, and assistive technology)
  • Accessible print/text material
  • Disability-related attendance modification
  • Preferential seating
  • Sign language interpreter
Close up of pencil and book

Exam accommodations

  • Extended time
  • Low distraction environment
  • Alternative test formats, such as enlarged print or text-to-speech ready
Manget Hall

Other accommodations

  • Priority registration
  • Course substitutions
  • Campus navigation considerations
  • Housing needs
  • Service or emotional support animal

An accommodation is not required if it would fundamentally alter the nature of the course, program, service, or facility, or if it would result in an undue burden for the institution. To determine reasonable accommodations, the College will seek information from appropriate personnel regarding essential standards for courses, programs, services, activities, and facilities.

How to register

Students seeking assistance must register with the Disability Services office as soon as they become aware of a disability-related need for an accommodation.

To register with Disability Services, a student must complete and submit:

  1. Request for Accommodations form
  2. Request for Housing Accommodation form, if applicable
  3. Documentation of the disability that follows established guidelines (read more below)
  4. Documentation of a disability can be submitted to Disability Services in one of the following ways:
    • Preferred: Upload using the Disability Services – Document Submission form
    • Attach to the Request for Accommodations form upon submission
    • Drop off at the Success Center front desk during regular business hours
    • Send by post mail to the following address:
      Disability Services – Success Center
      1 College St.
      Young Harris, GA 30582

    Do not email or fax documents.

Disability documentation guidelines

Young Harris College requires documentation from the diagnosing physician, psychologist, or other treating professional.

IEPs and 504 Plans: A K-12 school plan such as an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or a 504 Plan does not alone serve as documentation of disability. However, it may be included in a student’s overall assessment as helpful and relevant background information.

Transfer student accommodations at previous institutions: In addition to documentation outlined in the Documentation Guidelines, transfer students may submit letters of accommodation from a previous post-secondary institution as additional background information to support their accommodation requests at Young Harris College.

Review full documentation guidelines (PDF)

Additional requirements

Students registering with Disability Services must already have:

  1. Paid their deposit
  2. Acquired a YHC ID number
  3. Established their email account


How long does the review process take?

Disability Services will only review accommodation requests once all information is received. Once information is processed and reviewed, students will be contacted at their email address outlining next steps, which may include a request to submit additional information and/or an invitation and directions to schedule an intake meeting.

Please allow up to 10 business days for review.

How will I get notified of results?

Once information is processed and reviewed, students will be contacted at their email address outlining next steps, which may include a request to submit additional information and/or an invitation and directions to schedule an intake meeting.

When should I request housing accomodations?

Make reasonable housing accommodation requests as soon as possible before moving into College housing. YHC accepts and considers requests at any time. However, if the request for accommodation is made after the following deadlines, YHC cannot guarantee that it will be able to meet your accommodation needs during the first semester or term of occupancy.

  • For fall semester: June 15
  • For spring semester: November 1

How should I submit documentation?

Documentation of a disability can be submitted to Disability Services in one of the following ways:

  • Preferred: Upload using the Disability Services – Document Submission form
  • Attach to the Request for Accommodations form upon submission
  • Drop off at the Success Center front desk during regular business hours
  • Send by post mail to the following address:
    Disability Services – Success Center
    1 College St.
    Young Harris, GA 30582

Do not email or fax documents.