Student life
Grow connections at Young Harris College. Whether you live on campus or commute for classes, shape your experiences through activities, clubs, and events to create memories that last a lifetime.

residence halls on campus that will be your home away from home.
Live on campus
student organizations mean you’re sure to find clubs and activities that fit your interests.
Get involved
sororities and fraternities where you can build strong friendships that last well beyond your college years.
Join Greek life
men’s, women’s, and co-ed sports teams play for Mountain Lion athletics.
Show your pride

Spirituality and religion
Discover a community and space for centering your faith and spiritual exploration.
Office of Student Development
Location: Robinson Family Student Development Suite, second floor of the Rollins Campus Center
Hours: Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(706) 379-5180 or (800) 241-3754
Referrals and reporting
Contact Student Development
- Dr. Karen Pruett, Vice President of Student Development
(706) 379-5333 | Email - Kathy Pachman, Assistant to the Vice President of Student Development
(706) 379-5118 | Email - Megan Ridley, Assistant Dean for Campus Life and Student Wellness
(706) 379-5340 | Email - Alexandria Corr, Director of Greek Life
(706) 379-5283 | Email - Trevor Pendergrass, Coordinator of Campus Life and Student Activities
(706) 379-5025 | Email - Meridith Davis, Director of Career Services and Professional Development
(706) 379-5100 | Email - Bryson Baker, Internship Coordinator and Residence Life Coordinator
(706) 379-5056 | Email - Shlea Wright, Interim Director of Residence Life
(706) 379-5242 | Email - Molly Vinson, Assistant Director of Residence Life
(706) 379-5065 | Email - Thomas McDonough, Residence Life Coordinator
(706) 379-5190 | Email - Rachel Robb, Residence Life Coordinator
(706) 379-5035 | Email - Nerissa Baker, Director of Counseling
(706) 379-5057 | Email - Rev. Dr. Adam Daniels, Chaplain
(706) 379-5166 | Email - Wendy Morgan, Director of Disability Services
(706) 379-5042 | Email - Meghna Mallath, Data Systems Coordinator
(706) 379-5021 | Email
Books, merch, and more

Health and wellness
Get the support you need to take care of yourself physically and mentally.
Disability services
Experience an inclusive education with personalized support in academics, housing, and other campus activities.

Schedule a campus tour
Ready to see more? Get a sneak peek of what life as a Mountain Lion is all about through tours and special events.