Student work-study positions are available based on financial need and can also support your career goals.
About student work-study
Work-study opportunities are awarded to students from federal need-based funds (Federal Work-Study) and institutional non-need based funds (YHC Work-Study). Students start at $8 an hour and usually work between five to ten hours per week.
To view and apply for available positions, current students can sign into Handshake with a current YHC email address and password and search for “YHC Student Employment.”
Additional types of aid

Scholarships, which can be need- or merit-based, are awarded in recognition of special skills, talent, or academic ability.

Grants, which do not need to be repaid, help cover part of the cost of your education. They are typically based on financial need.

Loans, which must be paid back with interest, allow you to spread out the cost of education over time.